What Type of Writer Do You Need?


Writing is a creative profession, but for online content to be effective, it needs to be more than creative. It must also tick all the right boxes for SEO purposes. In this post, we’ll look at how to find the best writer for your needs – and discuss a few of the main writing specialisms along the way.

Why Working as a Freelance Writer is Tougher than it Sounds!

The perils of working from home… On the surface, working as a freelance writer may seem like a great job. Yes, you can work from home and watch a bit of daytime TV whenever you fancy a break. Or if you start to feel a bit peckish, you can disappear into the kitchen for some…

How to Write a Hot Romance Novel

Romance is big business. Millions of women (and men) devour romance novels every day, which is why publishers such as Mills & Boon have been selling trillions of them since the year dot. The fact is, romance novels are a form of escapism, just like a movie. When our life is falling apart and we…

Five Ways To Be a More Productive Freelance Writer

Working as a freelancer might seem like a cool idea, but the harsh reality is that it can be pretty tough to stay motivated and productive. All kinds of things are distracting when you work from home. The pile of ironing in the bedroom, the dishwasher to unload and the lawn to cut, not to…