How to Craft a Great Blog Post Title

Laura Ginn

You just spent hours researching and writing an amazing blog post packed with valuable insights for your readers. But does your blog post title grab attention and motivate readers to click and start reading?

Crafting a compelling title is crucial for driving more website visitors to read your content. Whether writing for your business blog or guest posting to increase brand visibility, an engaging headline can boost views and shares.

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to write blog titles that entice your target audience.

Understand the Purpose of Your Content

Before drafting possible titles, be clear on what topic you’re covering and why.

Who is your audience? What specific pain point does your post address? What action do you want readers to take?

If the purpose gets muddled, it will show in a vague headline that fails to connect with busy readers. A focused title that speaks directly to their needs will capture more attention.

For example, a post on time management strategies would have a very different title for entrepreneurs than one geared for parents. Know who you are speaking to and what you want them to learn.

Research Popular Keywords

Research keywords but avoid just stuffing them into your headline. The goal is to incorporate terms and phrases readers are actually searching for in a way that flows naturally.

Use free online tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool, or UberSuggest to discover:

  • High search volume keywords related to your blog post topic
  • Long-tail variations used in searches
  • Trending phrases in your industry

Look at what questions your audience is asking around your topic and consider using those as inspiration for headline templates, like “How to X in X Steps” or “When Should You X?”.

Start Writing Multiple Option Titles

With your target readers and relevant keywords in mind, take some time to brainstorm and craft various blog post title options that speak to both human readers and search algorithms.

Try combining different elements like:

  • Numbers – tap into the allure of list posts (e.g. “7 Common Mistakes…” or “10 Tips for…”)
  • Questions – pique curiosity (e.g. “Is This Business Idea Viable?”)
  • Direct advice – offer instant value (e.g. “How to Grow Your Email List”)
  • Trending topics and current events – capitalise on what’s hot (e.g. incorporating terms like “in 2024”)
  • Emotional hooks – elicit an emotional response like surprise, humour, inspiration, or outrage/controversy (when relevant)

The goal is to stir interest with titles focused on serving reader needs.

Choose a Title That Grabs Attention

With several draft titles to choose from, identify 2-3 favourites and run them through free headline analyser tools like Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer, or HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator for extra data-backed insight.

Which title option scores highest for emotional appeal and ability to increase social shares?

Also, assess if they contain effective keywords identified in earlier research without awkwardly forcing them in.

The best performer should:

  • Attract your target audience
  • Hint clearly at post content
  • Be search-friendly using smart keywords
  • Spark enough intrigue to entice clicks

Remember, search engines factor words in headlines more heavily. So highlight crucial information readers want to know upfront.

Avoid a vague blog post title that could apply to many posts, like “5 Business Tips” or overly salesy pitches. Craft a customer-focused title showcasing the unique value waiting for them inside your post.

Keep It Short and Scannable

Blog headlines now appear in many compact social media feeds and search results meant for quick scanning. Lengthy headlines failing to concisely communicate key details tend to suffer lower click-through rates according to various studies.

Visually breaking up a longer blog post title with colon punctuation can improve scannability and emphasis:

“How to Grow Your Business: 5 Low-Cost Marketing Tactics to Boost Sales”

Just keep main keywords grouped closely so their relationship is clear. Keyword-rich subtitles can also clarify content focus for fast-skimming readers.

Simplify Language For Global Audiences

With more website visitors and content consumers using English as a second language, simplify complex phrasing for broader comprehension.


  • Avoiding confusing idioms
  • Replacing industry jargon with plain language
  • Keeping sentences short and direct

This expands who can grasp your message quickly.

The easier your titles are to decipher by non-native speakers, the more leads and customers you can attract.

Revise and Refine

With a draft blog post title selected, rework it several times over the next few days as you finalise the post content to ensure maximum alignment.

Read it aloud – does it roll off the tongue or sound awkward?

Simplify wording, adjust the emotional tone or add/remove details as needed so it precisely conveys what makes your content unique at first glance.

An alluring headline that immediately communicates relevance gives busy readers a reason to invest their time exploring your insights.

Outsource to the Experts

Creating blog titles and written content that entices your audience takes considerable time and skill. Outsourcing to a professional content agency could be the perfect solution if you need dedicated marketing resources but have a limited budget.

Our team handles researching hot topics, writing engaging headlines optimised for search, and producing compelling blogs tailored for your business – freeing you up to focus on running daily operations. Contact us today if you want to find out more.