Should You Choose the First, Second or Third Person for Blog Posts?

If you remember your old school English lessons, you probably already know what the first, second and third person voices are in writing. Just in case you have forgotten, though, here is a very quick recap before we get to the meat of this article: The first person is when you write things from your…

Help Your Clients To Help Themselves!

There’s a fair few SEO experts out there, and I’m sure they would all say that they know the perfect recipe for improving the performance of literally any webpage they care to take a look at. I’m sure this is true in many cases, but being a good SEO guy is only the half of…

How to Produce Content Quickly and Skilfully

We all know that in the world of the web, content is king, but that doesn’t not mean that we all have the luxury of hours to spare in order to craft the perfect article. It’s also the case that plenty of people out there cannot afford to pay for an experienced blogger or content…