3 SEO Trends That Will Dominate 2020

Search engine optimisation is a fast-moving field. As Google races ahead to implement new innovations and update its existing algorithms, businesses often find themselves scrambling to keep up. Below we have laid out the three SEO trends that are going to be most important in 2020, especially in light of Google’s latest algorithm update. The…

Why Your Website Needs Unique Product Descriptions

Do you slave over product descriptions or do you pull some text from the supplier’s website and hope for the best? If it’s the latter, you need to rethink your approach. Product descriptions are more important than many e-commerce website owners realise. A good photo sells a product, but an insightful product description is just…

3 SEO Tactics You Should Ditch in 2017

SEO is an ever changing field, and methods that used to work yesterday might be completely obsolete tomorrow. Google is constantly adjusting its search engine to benefit users and give them the most relevant results possible, a concept many SEO marketers seem to struggle with. So, we can expect most changes from Google to follow…

3 Ways to Make Your Content More Socially Active

Social signals are now in the top five factors used by search engines in determining the ranking of your content. Social signals like votes up and viewing stats encourage further social media sharing of your content and thus indirectly improve the ranking of your content based on the number of views. Knowing how social signals…