How to Optimise Your Blog

There aren’t many successful websites out there which don’t have a blog running alongside them these days, but that doesn’t mean they are actually adding value to their website. If the blog is poor, it’s going to add nothing of value to the website it’s meant to be complimenting. A lot of people set up…

Why Twitter Can Still Drive Blog Traffic

When Twitter exploded onto the scene, it didn’t take long for the SEO aficionados out there to cotton on to the fact that it offered a wealth of possibilities for companies looking to boost their online credentials. It was immediately recognised as a fantastic place for people to connect with both existing and potential clients,…

How to Write a Blog

Blogging is a popular pursuit. Instead of committing your innermost thoughts to paper and keeping a hidden journal tucked away inside a bedside drawer, you can write those musings online instead. Of course keeping an online blog is not necessarily the best idea if you stand to lose a lot should the wrong person stumble…

Desperately Seeking Inspiration to Blog? Try These Tips

Finding something to write about every day on your blog can be hard, not only are you having to come up with inspired content you also have to try to make it interesting or entertaining, otherwise who will want to read it? Posts are made less frequently as you feel yourself running out of ideas…